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Oh the weather outside is frightful….so goes the song. We are delayed from leaving for Florida by this rather exciting blizzard we’re having! But I had some fun and cooked up Julia Child’s Boeuf Bourgignon….wonderful and it perfumed the house. We piled logs on the fireplace and lit it with mixed results. I can’t make up my mind if the logs were green or we just have a really lousy flue in our chimney…this is a new house, and this was our first fire here. I watched  “Christmas In Connecticut” as I cooked and just embraced the notion of being snowed in! I haven’t had much snow in the last ten years as we head to Florida for the show season about this time…I always miss the snow…but judging by the howls outside the window and the reluctance of the shelties to brave the elements, I may make up for it with just this one storm…

We’ve been trying to leave for Florida for the last two weeks! So here I find myself in an undecorated house. If I had known we would have so many setbacks, I would have pulled out my Christmas decorations and put a little tree up. I am contenting myself with a vase of winter berries, a little, fat, red candle and Nigella Lawson’s new Christmas cookbook displayed on a plate rack!

But it’s cool, ’cause the Christmas Horse has passed the clinical exam and the x-rays are excellent….just waiting for lab stuff and he IS mine! And we will get to Florida ANY day now….maybe even in time for Christmas!